Cookies, Web Beacons, detection technologies and tracking General.
When navigating on our sites or our applications, you will be required to authorize us to use cookies or tracking system sin order to improve the service or to serve advertisements.
On this page we provide you with the information needed to better understand why we use cookies in order to ensure a conscious use of them.
Cookies and other similar technologies that are used are intended to allow better use of our service or They have the purpose to offer advertising messages targeted as possible. The cookies that are used are mainly of two types: Session: Are those who are disabled after you close your browser or you have left our site
Persistent: Are cookies that are stored in your browser for a specific period of time.
The latter as the former can be blocked or deleted by going to the Settings section of your browser.
Of all browsers in use, you can navigate without the browser temporarily registers the cookies generated by the websites enabling the incognito.
Instructions for this can be found on page settings: Google Chrome and Google Chrome Mobile, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Apple's Safari Mobile.
You can also disable cookies altogether or delete them again by the same settings on the same browser.
The other companies that may use cookies on our site are agencies that help us in improving the service, maybe proposing items that may interest than those who have already seen. Similarly there are Third Party Cookies services that allow you to show or objects seen on other sites. In this case it is profiled advertising message on you.
Not a single cookie is linked to your sensitive data through technologies .
A cookie is simply a small text file that allows you to uniquely identify a PC, tablet or smartphone, so recognize it at a later time.
Below we provide a list of the third parties with whom Contentking  Srl cooperates and that may use cookies within :

For complete information here following a list of terms which you can use to better understand our information:

Cookies: small text file consisting of letters and numbers stored in the memory of the browser when visiting websites to recognize later that device.
First Party of cookies: cookies that are dropped by the site that you are browsing
Third Party Cookies: Cookies issued by companies that collaborate with the website that you are visiting in order to provide or serve targeted advertising messages or to detect the actions .
Tracking and Tracing: Programming codes on a website that allow to detect and register visitore behaviour .
The use and exposure to systems or tracking cookie is a free choice . At any time you can deny cookies and you can delete them from the browser but you will loose part of the website's functionalities.
Please note that Cookies allow to recognize a user through unique identification codes, but that no personal information is saved, except for those that are explicitly included in our contact form and ad placement, and however only after your express consent.
You can check which cookies you currently have in your browser and eventually delete them through the following services: